Indian patient Care does not recommend or provide medical information on its website and will not be responsible for any medical consequences arising out of the medical information and content shared on our site.

The content at Indian patient Care is purely for educational purpose and readers are requested to check with their doctors and medical advisers before they undergo any such procedure.When you access or use the Site, you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions which are intended to be fully effective and binding upon the Provider and User.

Information provided on this website should NOT be considered or construed as medical advice or used for treatment purposes and is NOT intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. This site is not designed to and does not intend to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual.

If you believe you have any other health problem, or if you have any questions regarding your health or a medical condition, you should promptly consult your physician or other healthcare provider instead of relying on the information provided herein.

Never disregard medical or professional advice, or delay seeking it, because of something you read on this site or a linked website. Never rely on information provided on this website in place of seeking professional medical advice. You should also ask your physician or other healthcare provider to assist you in interpreting any information in this site or in the linked websites, or in applying the information to your individual case. Medical science grows constantly, therefore the information provided on the site should not be considered exhaustive, nor should you rely on such information to recommend a course of treatment for you or any other individual. Reliance on any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.