Tracheostomy Care Services

Certain conditions – such as a severe lung disorder, neurological problem, or infection – can make it impossible to breathe effectively. If you are in this situation, your physician may need to insert a tracheostomy to help you breathe.

During a tracheostomy insertion, a surgeon will create a hole in the neck in order to accommodate a breathing tube. The tube, placed inside the trachea (also known as the windpipe), allows air to enter the lungs. The tracheostomy is often combined with mechanical ventilation for breathing assistance.

In fact, the majority of tracheostomies are required because a patient needs to help them breathe. On rare occasions, an emergency tracheostomy is created to help someone whose airway has become blocked suddenly, usually by a traumatic injury to the neck or face.

Your local team of Client Care Managers are on call 24/7 to answer your questions.